
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Summary/Reaction

Wow! Basically every person that took my survey had somewhat of the same responses and many participants believed in myths and didn't know the true facts. One person I asked, said she had no idea what polygamy was until the show sister wives! The results of my grandmother and my dad were almost identical, which makes sense because they are both very traditional and conservative. It was very interesting to see that no matter what the age is of the participant, many people were confused as too why polygamist choose to be in that type of lifestyle.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Revised Summary/Plan/Update

I have printed out copies for my survey. So far my mom, my cousin (female) and grandma have participated in my study. I have not asked any males yet; I will ask my dad, boyfriend and uncle this weekend. I have noticed many of my family members have the same misconceptions as I had. I forgot to inform the people I asked so far about the truths/ facts after the survey. I feel that a quick explanation is important for the participants therefore he or she can leave with the true facts.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Plan For Research

So far for my plan, I started to design a survey that would give people several answers to choose from instead of just Yes or No. I have given 4-5 choices to choose from in response to the questions I will be asking. The people I am planning on surveying will have a wide range of knowledge. Some people may have never heard of polygamy and I am going to try to get in touch with someone who may know someone who is in a polygamist relationship. Through my survey I hope to find out what the majority of public opinion is towards Polygamy and what stereotypes people may believe. In conclusion, I hope that my survey will educated the participant!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Suggested Research Method

I would like too survey how people feel about polygamy and how much people actually know. (fact VS myth) My blog did not get very popular so my mini survey did not get more than 5 responses. Through my future survey I am going to try to ask people rangin in education (knowledge).

Friday, March 15, 2013

Polygamy in Mormon History

Many people assume if you are a Mormon you practice polygamy. This is a very common misconception that Mormons take in offense. One myth about this is that " Women outnumber the men in the Mormon society , so every women can get a chance to have a husband"... many different communities actually have more unmarried men than women. "Polygamy is all about sex" is a another myth that many polygamist families take offense to because they believe they truly love all of their spouses. Rates of polygamy have ranged many times throughout the 19th century. Latter-day Saints haven't practiced this lifestyle in a long time, and now if Mormons do practice this they will be excommunicated.
Polygamy in Mormon History

The fact that most polygamist have learned about polygamy and it is in their bible, it is obvious why so many myths have been connected with this practice and this religion. I am glad I read more into this so now I can have a greater understanding of how to the two topics are connected. It is weird how so many stereotypes can be formed towards groups that people are informed about.  Have you ever thought any of these myths?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Do you know what 8/19 is?

August 19th, 2000 started a very new holiday for some families. This is now known as Polygamy Day. If you are a polygamist, you may know what this day is... if not then let me give you a little explanation! In Old Orchard Beach, Maine in 2000 a gathering started of pro-polygamist.. People of all religions and perspectives came together to discuss, review, and plan many different topics of polygamists. Since then groups all across the nation have been gathering on August 19th and glorifying polygamy. This year will be known as  Polygamy Day 13. An official definition of what polygamy day is "a non-profit corporation with the express purpose of promoting public education, awareness, and political action for the cause of de-criminalizing of, and obtaining freedom for, freely consenting, adult, non-abusive marriage-committed polygamy." -  

Many people look at polygamy as an awful thing that women are forced into. I have absolutely no idea for sure because I am not in any sort of polygamist relationship; however, it seems that women are completely in choice. I understand that polygamist want to make others aware of what there lifestyle is all about by explaining stories and expressing their freedoms. No matter what group is rallying , I do not like when groups try to force an opinion. On August 19th, I have never heard anyone talk about polygamy , so it doesn't seem to be a very well known awareness day, but I am curious to see what  happens at this kind of protest march. Have you ever heard of this? It is weird to think that we live so close to NYC, the city that has all sorts of people, and there is no recognition of polygamy day !

Friday, March 1, 2013

Polygamy in South Africa

The president in South Africa, Jacob Zuma has been married six times and has about 19 children. He has made polygamy legal in South Africa. All over the world polygamy is a touchy controversial topic, so you can imagine how much criticism Zuma has gotten. In South Africa, people are debating that it is unfair to the women and it is not good for the economy.

After watching this video I had searched more about Jacob Zuma and his family... it seems they are not sure of how many wives he is actually married to at this time, however it is multiple.  Can you imagine our president being polygamist? On top of it Jacob Zuma was once a prisoner but that is a whole other story! Africa is obviously different than the United States but I still wonder what people would say if Obama was polygamist or something!

Polygamy in South Africa

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sister Wives

A very popular hit show on TLC called "Sister Wives" documents the lifestyle of a polygamist family.  Kody Brown, his four wives, and seventeen children live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Three out of the four wives were raised in the lifestyle of polygamy, however just like in the other stories they were not predestined for this kind of lifestyle. Robyn was married in a monogamous relationship and the sister wives wanted to bring her into the family after Robyn got a divorce. Each wife has their own home, and lives with their own kids and Kody rotates between each home on a specific schedule. Each wife has felt jealousy towards each other especially towards Robyn. In the beginning of each episode each parent says something they like about the sister wives:

Meri- "I believe in living this lifestyle it makes each of us better"
Janelle- "I think we have something really awesome I wouldn't want anything else "
Christine- "I like sister wives -- I wanted a family, I didn't just want a man"
Robyn- "It seems like destiny like we should have all been together since day one"
Kody- "Love should be multiplied not divided"

Could you imagine "having" four moms or "having" your fifteen brother and sisters from the age of one to eighteen? What about being the first wife and watching your husband marry other women? Or even the thought of your father not basically being a nomad traveling from house to house... every four days you have your dad home. IT ALL BLOWS ME AWAY. I understand it is what makes them happy and that is the kind of life they want to be in but I do not think I could handle that! It is weird to think that polygamy is so taboo to me but natural to others. I wonder if I do something that is normal to me but taboo to others. I think Robyn shows that she truly wants to be in that kind of lifestyle, being that she grew up in it I would expect her to know if she liked it or not. However, she tried out being in a monogamous relationship and that seemed to fall apart and she seems happy where she is now being a sister wive. Robyn proves that is not a lifestyle they feel pressured to be apart. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Polygamy Laws in the US

Poly=many Gamos=marriage

As you have found out, Polygamy is the practice of having several spouses at once. This could technically be more than one husband but, in most cases it is one husband and several wives. Polygamy is illegal in many states and in most states it is a felony. All states in the U.S. have always made different laws against bigamy. (Bigamy is going through another marriage while married to someone already.)   Bigamy is a misdemeanor in Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii (30 days in jail), Iowa, Maine, Missouri, Montana Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee,and Texas. The US laws prohibits a certified married man and women to be in marriage with another male or female. However, there seems to be a small grey area where the laws are put to the side. For example, communities are formed by the LDS (Latter Day Saints Church)and they made up a form of religious practice called "plural marriage". Although Polygamy is unusual to most areas of the United States, there are somewhere between 40-55 thousand polygamist in the U.S.. The lifestyle or crime is treated differently depending on where you are in the U.S. some states you may just have to pay a fine, others you can be prisoned, and some areas in certain states just pretend you don't exist 

Oprah-- Polygamy in America
US Marriage Laws
Definition of Polygamy

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Polygamist Article

Right outside of Salt Lake City a man named Joe Darger reveals his lifestyle that has been secretive for over 20 years. The Darger's publicized the book " Love Times Three" and expressed their beliefs publicly. They have taken a risky move and now they are in the danger of potential prosecution. Polygamy is illegal in the United States but the Darger's feel that the only way to make a change is stand up for what they believe in, even if it makes the rest of the society uncomfortable. Although polygamy may seem very weird to outsiders, the Darger's are considered unusual inside of polygamy. Th family started out with one two best friends Alina and Vicki and there boyfriend Joe. After getting married at the same time ten years later, Vicki's identical twin got proposed to and joined the Darger family. In polygamist families, it is strange to have twin sisters marry into the same family. The wives explain in "Love Times Three" that they all share different love experiences with Joe. Also they expressed that three women and one man can sometimes lead to many misunderstandings but never jealousy. The Darger family knows that they are putting their lives in danger with the law and understand that people think they are different. The teenagers are convinced that " it is ignorance that keeps people from accepting their families way of life".  Most of the Darger children are unsure if they will choose a polygamous or monogamous marriage when they are ready, but they are all open to the option of both. 
The Entire Darger Family

Joe, Vicki,Val,&Alina Darger

Overall the article Modern Polygamist Family: Why They're Risking Jail, made me understand much more about Polygamist and how their families operate. Just like anytime when a person is trying to make a change they publicize what they believe in; this is why I understand that they are risking jail. For example, when women or black Americans wanted to be treated equal and have the right to vote they stood up for what they believed in even though they were risking their lives. It is easy to understand why they are publicizing it but it is hard for me to understand why they want to be in that kind of relationship. I am just so used to monogamous marriages that the idea of a polygamous marriage boggles my mind. When I was reading the article I couldn't stop thinking "how do they sleep at night and is there ever one on one time with the wive and husband"? Well I got my answer in this sentence : "whether it's being left at home with the kids while Joe takes one of the wives for a date night or stumbling upon a pair of Joe's underwear in another sister wife's bed" I do not know about you but this baffled me. I could not even imagine that. I do not understand how the wives don't have tension or jealously  between each other and constant competition.  Later in the article the daughter Laura  explains that it is not in every ones "future dreams or plans" but "God changes people's hearts. You know sometimes there are things you don't think you can do but when God asks you, you do it." In many religions there are very strong beliefs and they must follow what there leader or God calls them to do. The Dargers must have all felt a very strong bond and call from God to live this lifestyle. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Polygamy confuses me. I recently learned what it was over the summer and when I saw the opportunity to choose polygamy as a topic for my blog, I quickly became more interested. To me it is a very different style marriage and I am eager to learn more about why people choose to live like this and how outsiders feel.