
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Summary/Reaction

Wow! Basically every person that took my survey had somewhat of the same responses and many participants believed in myths and didn't know the true facts. One person I asked, said she had no idea what polygamy was until the show sister wives! The results of my grandmother and my dad were almost identical, which makes sense because they are both very traditional and conservative. It was very interesting to see that no matter what the age is of the participant, many people were confused as too why polygamist choose to be in that type of lifestyle.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Revised Summary/Plan/Update

I have printed out copies for my survey. So far my mom, my cousin (female) and grandma have participated in my study. I have not asked any males yet; I will ask my dad, boyfriend and uncle this weekend. I have noticed many of my family members have the same misconceptions as I had. I forgot to inform the people I asked so far about the truths/ facts after the survey. I feel that a quick explanation is important for the participants therefore he or she can leave with the true facts.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Plan For Research

So far for my plan, I started to design a survey that would give people several answers to choose from instead of just Yes or No. I have given 4-5 choices to choose from in response to the questions I will be asking. The people I am planning on surveying will have a wide range of knowledge. Some people may have never heard of polygamy and I am going to try to get in touch with someone who may know someone who is in a polygamist relationship. Through my survey I hope to find out what the majority of public opinion is towards Polygamy and what stereotypes people may believe. In conclusion, I hope that my survey will educated the participant!